ANZAC Day 2023 – Dawn Service at Ringwood East Depot

The Regiment normally conducts a Dawn Service but due to Brigade obligations or COVID restrictions has not been able to have an after-Dawn Service for several years.

This year started at Ringwood East depot with a “gun fire breakfast” followed by the Dawn Service and then a great breakfast in the recently refurbished Junior Ranks Club (the J.H. Ripper Club). What a wonderful transformation the Ripper Club has undergone, and congratulations must go to all those involved particularly Trevor Mays and Stephen Rothwell.

This year’s Dawn Service was particularly important to the Association as we were invited by the Regiment to participate in the ceremonial aspect of the morning by providing two members to mount duty with the Catafalque Guard. By having the members of the Association involved it is seen as having a connection between the past and present. The Association is very honoured to have been invited and we thank the Regiment for this. Representing the Association in this inaugural ceremony were Kevin Moss and David Conlan.

By conducting a Dawn Service the Regiment acknowledged the purpose and objective of the day and that is to remember those men and women who paid the supreme sacrifice. There was a very good turn up for the Service. Don Hughes represented the Association by laying a wreath.

The Association also laid a wreath at the RSL Dawn Service conducted at the Ringwood Clock Tower – Michael Potts represented the Association at this Service.

Again, the Association acknowledges the privilege and honour it has been given by the Regiment to be part of its Dawn Service and our thanks go to the CO/RSM (LTCOL Scott D’Rozario & WO1 Thomas Jesser) for making this possible and trust that the Association will be embedded in Regiment’s future Dawn Services and be an integral part of this wonderful tradition.

Jim Davis


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