Kapooka Tragedy Memorial Excursion – 21st May 2023

The annual visit to attend the Kapooka Tragedy Memorial service is a feature of the Association’s calendar and one I would urge everyone to consider attending at some time.

The journey to Kapooka is certainly a very long one but it is so worthwhile. Making the trip this year among others were Jim Davis and Don and Michelle Hughes (along with Zeus) however Don and Michelle only got as far as Wodonga before they had to head back to Melbourne as Don took sick and was later confirmed as having COVID leaving Jim Davis to attend the Service.

This year the Regiment, through the outstanding efforts of LCPL Trevor Mays, organised a contingent of 12 personnel to attend – it was great to see that several members were involved in the official ceremony by providing readings. Trevor Mays was involved in the restoration and beautification of the site, so this visit was so very important to him not only revisit the worksite but also educate other sappers about this tragedy.

The weather for the Ceremony was cool but the rain held off resulting in a reasonable turnout for the Service acknowledging this terrible event of 78 years ago which claimed the lives of some 26 Sappers. In the audience were relatives and descendants of several of the Sappers who lost their lives. Many of you would know WO2 Les Norton (4 CER) who is related to one of those who died in the accident (SGT Jack Pomeroy) – Les had his brother (Kevin) representing the family at this service.

A Catafalque Party (all RAE members) was provided by 1 RTB and were outstanding in their dress, bearing and drill. A wreath was laid on behalf of the Association and all Sappers by Jim Davis (representing the President Don Hughes who was unwell).

There was a lovely afternoon tea provided which gave the opportunity of catching up with friends.

Representing the Head of Corps was LTCOL Paul Murphy who gave the principal address.

Some of those attending included the CO and RSM of 22nd Engineer Regiment (LTCOL Scott D’Rozario and WO1 Tom Jesser), MAJ Andrew Howes, WO1 Matt Dickson (Corps RSM, RAE), WO1 Sean McMahon (RSM of SME), WO1 Damian Woolfe (RSM of 1 RTB) along with several senior RSM’s and Warrant Officers from the School.

It was great to see Bob Ihlein (RAE Overwatch) and Graham Toll (Ex Corps RSM) also in attendance.

Joining the afternoon were 8 of the newest members of the Corps who marched out of Kapooka on 20th May 2023 and are due to report to SME for IET training on 22nd May 2023 – what a privilege it was to be able to meet these wonderful young men and women about to embark on the adventure of a lifetime.

It is obvious that not enough is known within the Corps about this tragic event and it should be disseminated more widely but for those who came along like the 22 ER members and the Corps newest recruits they now understand what took place and can start the ball rolling to ensure that the day is not forgotten and continues to be commemorated and supported for many years to come.

Many thanks to those who came along and supported the Association and trust that you enjoyed the adventure and that you will consider attending this event again in the future.

Jim Davis


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