Upwey-Belgrave RSL Excursion 01st July 2023 – Corps Birthday

Well, what a wonderful experience and day was enjoyed by those who came along to the Upwey-Belgrave RSL.

This RSL is really a little gem tucked away off the Burwood Highway and certainly without the glitz and glamour of the bigger RSL’s but what it lacked in size it made up in bucket loads with its welcome and hospitality.

On the RAE calendar today (01st July) is a very important one as it is the day the Corps celebrates its birthday with today’s cake boasting 121 candles.

An outing to mark this special occasion has been in the pipeline for some time and approximately 30 people came together for lunch followed by a visit to the “Running Rabbit Museum”. This RSL is staffed by volunteers who went out of their way to accommodate this larger than normal group. We enjoyed great service and were provided with an outstanding lunch.

To acknowledge the day Mel Constable and Margaret Handte arranged for a suitably decorated cake which was cut by the CO (LTCOL Scott D’Rozario) and Chaplin Kirstin Linden with all in attendance getting the chance to savour a piece of the cake.

The President (Don Hughes) spoke for a few minutes to remind everyone about the significance of the day and acknowledging the reason for our get together.

Following lunch and formalities many of us wandered over to the museum which houses a wonderful collection of memorabilia. It is staffed by enthusiastic and knowledgeable volunteers who certainly made us welcome and ensured that received the most from our visit.

A most enjoyable day, wonderful venue along with great food and service which was complimented by the outstanding company. I am sure that everyone would have gone away from the day with a feeling of pride.

I can think of no better way to celebrate such an important birthday other than the way we did it today.

Happy Birthday RAE.


Jim Davis

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