The RAE Association has always enjoyed a close working relationship with the 22nd Engineer Regiment. The CO (LTCOL Scott D’Rozario) and the RSM (WO1 Tom Jesser) arranged for the Commander 4th Brigade (BRIG Michelle Campbell) and the RSM 4th Brigade (WO1 Tony Lynch) to visit the Ringwood East depot and spend time with Don Hughes, Jim Davis and Zeus.

The visit provided the Association with an exceptional opportunity to meet with Victoria’s senior soldier and acquaint BRIG Campbell with the Association’s activities, vision and objectives.

We discussed the Association’s goals, specifically, to attract younger serving sappers and to have the Association viewed as an ongoing support resource to the Regiment. Additionally, we discussed the challenges faced by many associations including ours with establishing memorabilia rooms that are accessible to the public.

It was a great opportunity to engage with the Commander and RSM of the 4th Brigade and we look forward to catching up again.

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