Tour of the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital – 14 September 2023 

Brief History

The Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital opened on 13 March 1941 as the 115th Heidelberg Military Hospital. The 6th RAAF Hospital was also on site between 1942 and 1947.

In 1947, the hospital was handed over from the army to the Repatriation Commission and became the Repatriation General Hospital Heidelberg. The Commission (Department of Veterans’ Affairs) ran the hospital until 1994.

Many areas of the Heidelberg Repatriation Hospital are named to reflect their proud heritage of caring for Veterans and War Widows. These include: Centaur Wing, Tobruk Centre, Flanders Wing, Duckboard Function Centre, Anzac Memorial Chapel, Vivian Bullwinkel Room, 115th H.M.H. Meeting Room, Remembrance Garden, Gallipoli Gardens, Memorial Rose Garden, Colour Patch Museum, Duckboard Walk and of course Sappers Lane.

Within the hospital are many plaques, gardens and gallery spaces, including the Fromelles Garden and Jessie Mary Vasey Labyrinth. The Remembrance Garden includes many memorial plaques and the duckboard stained glass, “The Bridge of Repatriation” in Sappers Lane. Within the Outpatient Department (Tobruk Centre) is the flag of the 2/4th AGH.

The Tour

On September 14 2023 a tour of the hospital has been organised by the RAEAV that will start at the hospital, where parking is free, enter Gate 9, parking in Ash Grove (See map)

1000hrs we will have morning tea provided by the hospital at no cost in Building 140 at the Duckboard Function Centre and with an introduction to the hospital. A gold coin donation would be appreciated.

1030hrs the tour of the hospital begins which includes the museum and memorial gardens, visit to the Sappers memorial and wreath laying to recognise National Peacekeepers Day.

1200hrs is the conclusion of tour and lunch is available for purchase from the hospital’s canteen. You are then free to wander through the gardens and museum.

For catering and security please indicate your intensions at

RSVP 7 September 2023

Source; Austin Health


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